Listening is the most important skill a leader must-have. It is a core communication skill. Leadership listening will be an increasingly important skill in the future era, Organisations will place greater importance on employees’ experience. However, it’s tough building your leadership skill but it’s tougher to master the listening skill as it requires us to be more present, attentive, engaged and open.
Listening forms a foundation of a good relationship because it shows that you care. In addition to this, Listening skills is crucial to understanding a complete situation. Knowledge and wisdom can not gain by talking, but by listening to people.
A good leader is a good listener! Top 5 listening skills a leader must inculcate

As a leader, your job is to encourage your employees and, to be open and honest without negative consequences and also, Listening leads to personal awareness and growth, if you do not listen, you will not be able to grow.
1. The first listening skills includes Giving undivided attention
Don’t make your employees feel that they are not important to you when they come with some problems. Mute your phone and don’t check your computer when another person is talking to you. By giving your full attention to your employees, you not only convey that you care but you also give yourself the ability to concentrate on leadership development.
2. Show interest, concerns
The first step in your listening leadership skill is to learn how to connect with your team members. To be able to listen, you must be interested in your team members. Don’t mistake hearing for listening both are very different. Paying full attention requires follow-up questions to make sure you fully understand the situation. Employees are more open up and honest when they feel that their leader is connected to them.
Leader’s Tip
Engage in active listening by focusing on the speaker, making eye contact, and responding with appropriate body language.
3. Active listening at work
Active listening can encourage stronger communication between you and your team members. The objective of active learning is that you understand the message and any feeling beyond the spoken word. Knowing that their leader cares about and appreciates them makes each team member feel valued and is an important factor in driving employee engagement.
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4. Solving real problems
When leaders stay away from people who are involved in solving day to day problems and choose to engage only with their direct report. Try to solve the problems that your employees face and see that problem from every view and found out the cause of the problem. By listening intently, they can build trust and encourage everyone in the organization to speak up, this will increase the productivity of your organization.
Leader’s Tip
Develop your capacity for empathy by actively listening to other people, trying to put yourself in their shoes, and responding with compassion and understanding when you do.
5. Fostering an environment of creativity and innovation
When leaders engaged in effective listening, they show interest in hearing everyone’s opinion without any judgements. They let other people talk without interruption and ask questions to clarify their thoughts and show genuine curiosity about their ideas. Instead of disregarding their ideas categorise them into good and bad.
Listening (the first competence of leadership) is not a skill, it is a discipline. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut — Peter Drucker
How does listening to your employees improve the functioning of your organization?
Employees who know they are heard are more engaged in work and more productive. When people have a voice, they are willing to use it. Some benefits of active listening include building trust, improving teamwork and developing relationships with members. When you try to understand the people you work with it significantly increases morale and productivity.
What are listening skills for leaders?
- Give undivided attention
- Show interest, concerns
- Active listening at work
- Solving real problems
Key Takeaways
- One of the most important lessons to learn is that good listening skills can build trust, improve communication, and cement connections within a team.
- Being accepting of others’ perspectives and views fosters an environment where people feel comfortable expressing their own.
- Patience and attentiveness show appreciation for the perspectives of others, which improves group decision-making and cooperation.