“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Viktor E. Frankl
Here are some of the basic points to begin with
Classical Conditioning was first represented by Ivan Pavlov who was a Russian physiologist. This study was based on involuntary and automatic behaviors and it includes a placing a basic signal before a reflex.
Operant conditioning
was first discovered by B.F Skinner who was a American psychologist.
This study includes reinforcement or punishment after the actions. It objectes on nourishing or diminishing voluntary behaviors.
Classical Conditioning
Conditioning can be describes as a type of learning that connects some sort of stimulus to a response or to say human behavior.
Individual even who is not a psychological student must have heard about Pavlov’s dogs. In one of his most heard about as well as famous experiment. Ivan Pavlov noticed that the dogs start to salivate in response to a tone after the sound is being synced with the food in the same manner repeatedly.
This is basically a process that concerns with creating a relationship between a naturally present stimulus and past neutral one.
Just imagine a dog that salivated when he sees his food coming towards him. These are his animal instincts that kick in automatically and he is not train enough to do this, this is a purely natural process.
If we start to ring a bell every time he serves his food, a relationship will form between the food and the sound of the bell. As a result the bell sound solely will bring a recall to the salivation response.
Classical conditioning is much vast than just a normal term used to describe the way of learning. Considering the fact that how we can adopt a bad habit. Even if you are working out and eating healthy food, night-time overeating will keep stumble up your dieting efforts
Leader’s Tip:
In operant conditioning, reinforcement or punishment influences behavior, while classical conditioning involves associating stimuli with automatic responses.
Operant Conditioning
It is also famous as instrumental conditioning objectifies the use of either reinforcement or punishment for increasing or decreasing behaviour. In this process a relationship forms between the behavior and the result of that behavior.
Operant conditioning converts behaviour by making the use of consequences and these consequences have 2 principal characteristics reinforcement (a response that gives rise to a behaviour to take place with great frequency) and positive or negative.
For instance, imagine a teacher in a school punishes a student for talking when it was not his turn and as a punishment not letting the student to go out for break. As a outcome of the situation, the student forms a relation between the behaviour and the consequence i.e. the talking and not allowed to go outside.
There are many factors that affects how in a short period of time a response is learned and the power of that response.
Furthermore to being used to instruct people and animals to capture in new behaviours, operant conditioning can also be accustomed for removing bad habits. By making the use of the structure of method of rewards and punishments, a person can learn to eliminate bad habits that may or have a negative impact on their physical health.
The Key difference classical and operant conditioning is the method or way in which a new behaviour is attained. To understand these methods and their differences will help you with some important concepts in the field of psychology.
Leader’s Tip:
Operant conditioning emphasizes voluntary actions, while classical conditioning focuses on involuntary reflexes.
Similarities between Classical and Operant conditioning?
They are both similar in a way as they both include making relationship between the behavior and the outcome in an environment and are carried out by several general factors of law of associations.
What are the main differences between classical and operant conditioning quizlet?
Classical conditioning requires learning that two events are related, whereas operant conditioning demonstrates that behavior leads to a consequence.
What is the major difference between negative reinforcement and punishment?
Negative reinforcement increases the target behavior by taking away something aversive. Negative punishment decreases the target behavior by taking away something preferred.
Key Takeaways
- Operant conditioning: Behavior shaped by consequences; voluntary actions influenced by reinforcement or punishment.
- Classical conditioning: Reflexive responses linked to stimuli; associations between neutral and meaningful stimuli.
- Both types influence learning, but operant involves active choice, while classical is more passive and automatic.