Digital Transformation Quotes
Discover a collection of thought-provoking digital transformation quotes that beautifully encapsulate the spirit of innovation, adaptability, and the ever-changing tech landscape in our fast-paced modern world.
Let’s have a look on Digital Quotes.
When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.
George Westerman, MIT Sloan Initiative on the Digital Economy
In today’s era of volatility, there is no other way but to re-invent. The only sustainable advantage you can have over others is agility. That’s it. Because nothing else is sustainable, everything else you create, somebody else will replicate.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder
Digital used to be about coding and IT; now it’s becoming a people business.
Mary Kate Loftus
You can’t delegate digital transformation for your company… You and your executives have to own it! Executives need to engage, embrace, and adopt new ways of working with the latest and emerging technologies.
Barry Ross, Ross & Ross International
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Michael E. Porter
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Leading Digital Transformation
There is no alternative to digital transformation. Visionary companies will carve out new strategic options for themselves — those that don’t adapt will fail.
Jeff Bezos, Amazon
The reality is, many digital transformations fail because companies aren’t integrating their business and technology strategies from the start. CIOs must know how to quantify their progress with AI and digitization technologies and understand how to communicate this value to key stakeholders effectively.
Chris Bedi, ServiceNow CIO
We talk about automating operations, about people, and about new business models. Wrapped inside those topics are data analytics, technologies, and software – all of which are enablers not drivers. In the center of it all is leadership and culture. Understanding what digital means to your company – whether you’re a financial, agricultural, pharmaceutical, or retain institution – is essential.
Jim Swanson | Senior Vice President/CIO and Head of Digital Transformation, Bayer Crop Science
We’ve moved from digital products and infrastructure to digital distribution and Web strategy to now into more holistic transformations that clearly are based on mobile, social media, digitization and the power of analytics and we think it’s really a new era requiring new strategies.
Saul Berman | IBM
It’s your job as a digital business leader to apply these rules to engage, compete, and grow. Every industry has a unique digital transformation opportunity.
As Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic continues to spread, thousands of companies are now thankful for their successful digital transformation strategy while many others are in great agony of not doing it correctly.
Enamul Haque
The current generation of entrepreneurs is unlike any other. Empowered by digital technologies and unencumbered by legacy structures, they are unleashing fundamentally new business practices at a pace that was almost unthinkable just a couple of decades ago… inventing new business models and monetization strategies all along the way.
Ericsson Digital Disruption Report
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You can make it seamless for all of the stakeholders within your organization. The workflows and rollout processes are critical to gaining user adoption and maximizing the digital transformation investments.
Scott Mussbacher | System Integration Lead, Vista Projects
In some ways, incumbents have a lot of benefits over new players, over start-ups. They have customers, they have great data, they often have a brand. They have financial resources, which a start-up may not have. The question is, can all of those capabilities and assets be deployed in a way that allows you to defend against new attackers as digital disrupts your industry
Director at McKinsey, Paul Willmott
In the digital age of ‘overnight’ success stories such as Facebook, the hard slog is easily overlooked.
Founder of Dyson, James Dyson
If you think of the average age of most board members around the world – and, frankly, of their backgrounds as well – they are not digitally ready.
James Bilefield, Senior Advisor to McKinsey
When a snake sheds its skin it changes; when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it transforms.
James Bilefield, Senior Advisor to McKinsey
In today’s world of exponential change, organizations that get too comfortable with the status quo are at major risk of disruption. If you’re not experimenting and, as a director, if you’re not asking questions about how your organization is navigating and plugging into disruption, forming new ecosystems, and tapping into open markets, then your organization is at risk. In the area of talent alone, if you’re not leveraging talent outside your organization, you’ll never win the war of ideas because the smartest people in the world don’t work for you.
Andrew Vaz, Global Chief Innovation Officer at Deloitte
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Just like the way a beautiful butterfly can’t come into life without its transformation cycle from egg to larva, caterpillar to pupa and finally to a brilliant creation, to become a successful digitally transformed organization, similar transformational stages are essential.
Enamul Haque, Digital Transformation Through Cloud Computing: Developing a sustainable business strategy to eschew extinction
Innovation needs to be part of your culture. Consumers are transforming faster than we are, and if we don’t catch up, we’re in trouble.
Ian Schafer
The sustainable success of digital transformation comes from a carefully planned organizational change management process that meets two key objectives, one being the company culture, and the other one is empowering its employees
Enamul Haque
Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy.
Richard Stallman
We live in an age of innovation, where digital technology is providing solutions to problems before we’ve even realised we needed them. We see it every day as we find new ways to travel, eat and shop.
David Lidington
Digitization + ubiquitous connectivity + consumer empowerment = enable an environment for disruptive innovation
Tom Golway, Planning and Managing ATM Networks
Running digital IT takes interdisciplinary practices and keeping IT fit requires a systematic approach.
Pearl Zhu, The Change Agent CIO
The reality is, many digital transformations fail because companies aren’t integrating their business and technology strategies from the start. It’s imperative that CIOs know how to quantify their progress with AI and digitization technologies and understand how to effectively communicate this value to key stakeholders.
Chris Bedi, CIO, ServiceNow
The most important thing is to make the technology inclusive – make the world change. Next, pay attention to those people who are 30 years old, because those are the internet generation. They will change the world; they are the builders of the world.
Jack Ma, Founder and Executive Chairman, Alibaba Group
Capability-based strategy-execution is the only path leading to a sustainable digital transformation.
Pearl Zhu
To digitize something is to record it, in a format that will last forever.
Edward Snowden, Permanent Record
Soon the digital divide will not be between the haves and the have-nots. It will be between the know-hows and the non-know-hows.
Howard Rheingold
The future of digital organizations is to be complex enough to act intelligently and nimble enough to adapt to the change promptly.
Pearl Zhu, CIO Master: Unleash the Digital Potential of It
Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.
Amrita Sahasrabudhe
Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first.
Wendy Piersall
People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
Simon Sinek
Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.
By Geoffrey Moore, an American Management Consultant and Author
Big data will spell the death of customer segmentation and force the marketer to understand each customer as an individual within 18 months or risk being left in the dust.
Ginni Rometty
IT is the business’s competitive differentiator to customer acquisition and retention.
Pearl Zhu
Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with your marketing.
Mike Volpe
Blockchain is the tech. Bitcoin is merely the first mainstream manifestation of its potential.
Marc Kenigsberg
Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement, and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value.
Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google
Has the Internet changed our lives? Have mobile phones changed our lives? The blockchain is something that is that transformative.
Brock Pierce
In our business, we talk about emerging technologies and how they impact society. We’ve never seen a technology move as fast as AI has to impact society and technology. This is by far the fastest moving technology that we’ve ever tracked in terms of its impact and we’re just getting started.
Paul Daugherty, chief technology and innovation officer, Accenture
The blockchain cannot be described just as a revolution. It is a tsunami-like phenomenon, slowly advancing and gradually enveloping everything along its way by the force of its progression.
William Mougayar
Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of a job, blockchain puts Uber out of a job and lets the taxi drivers work with the customer directly.
Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum
Artificial intelligence and machine learning, as a dominant discipline within AI, is an amazing tool. In and of itself, it’s not good or bad. It’s not a magic solution. It isn’t the core of the problems in the world.
Vivienne Ming, executive chair and co-founder, Socos Labs
There are a lot of really fabulous things that get done with digital assets and blockchain technologies to reduce friction, to reduce costs, and enable things that weren’t possible before.
Brad Garlinghouse
Anything that can conceive of as a supply chain, blockchain can vastly improve its efficiency- it doesn’t matter if its people, numbers, data, money.
Ginni Rometty, CEO IBM
In 30 years, a robot will likely be on the cover of Time Magazine as the best CEO. Machines will do what human beings are incapable of doing. Machines will partner and cooperate with humans, rather than become mankind’s biggest enemy.
Jack Ma
The blockchain allows our smart devices to speak to each other better and faster.
Melanie Swan
I see Bitcoin as ultimately becoming a reserve currency for banks, playing much the same role as gold did in the early days of banking. Banks could issue digital cash with greater anonymity and lighter weight, more efficient transactions.
Hal Finney
If the cryptocurrency market overall or a digital asset is solving a problem, it’s going to drive some value.
Brad Garlinghouse
I love seeing new services constantly starting to accept Bitcoin. Bitcoin is really becoming “the currency of the Internet.” I’m most concerned by possible government reactions to Bitcoin. They can’t destroy Bitcoin, but they could really slow things down by making exchange much more difficult.
Michael Marquardt, a co-founder of the World Institute of Action Learning
Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.
Rick Falkvinge, Founder of the Swedish pirate party
What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done.
Tim O’Reilly
Let’s go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.
Steve Jobs
The blockchain does one thing: It replaces third-party trust with mathematical proof that something happened
Adam Draper
Innovation is the outcome of a habit, not a random act.
Sukant Ratnakar
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