Browsing: Business Transformation

Startups are known for their ability to disrupt industries and create innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges. In recent years, we have seen a surge in startups that are focused on creating positive social and environmental impact alongside financial success.
In this, we will explore the top 10 startups that are making a real impact in their respective industries.

Running a business is not a cake walk as it may seem to be from far. Many challenges and failures come your way. All make us grow and learn. Also the first step to learn is to read. Loads of business books mushroom out every day. It’s not possible for anyone to read them all. Here are learn transformation’s picks for the top 10 business books:

In this, we will explore some of the most effective platforms for book advertising, including online and offline options. We will look at popular book promotion sites like Learn Transformation and Giftor, as well as social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. We will also cover other advertising options such as book fairs and festivals, book clubs, and even traditional print media.