Let’s see famous Learn Transformation Quotes
Leader’s are not the doer’s, they are the Think Tanks.
Gourav Dudeja
Learn to fight for what’s your….coz if you don’t you will eventually start loosing for what’s already yours.
Muskaan Maheshwari
Let’s start something from small, to create something big!
Disha Lohani
Your neurons are always tickling you to ignite that spark; either you can supress it to be ordinary or set them free to do miracles.
Nisha Mahato
Leaders keep Learning so if you are not a Learner then you are already out of Game!
Gourav dudeja
Stubborn hearts survives the longest.
Muskaan Maheshwari
It’s always easy to stand in queue and wait like the rest, but only the extraordinary have the courage to make people follow them!
Nisha Mahato
Our Imagination fly high, where Limits Extending to infinite.
Muskaan Maheshwari
Every person is a potential leader, but what takes the edge is if you could selflessly put others interests over yours.
Nisha Mahato
Express to glorify not just for a gesture of sigh.
Muskaan Maheshwari
Technology is just like the weathering rock in the storm, harder the waves hit the more subsidiaries you invent.
Nisha Mahato
Sometimes it’s better to show than to say.
Muskaan Maheshwari
Life is an unbelievable magic, sometimes it doesn’t work the way you want, but eventually it will workout the way you desired it to be.
Muskaan Maheshwari