Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed.
Abraham Lincoln
Motivation appears to be a general function in the context of management, but in practical life it is more challenging. The causes for motivation to be challenging for a business are: one of the principal reasons is changing workforce. Here are 5 tips to boost Employee Motivation-
Motivation helps to achieve businesses its objectified goals. if an individual is motivated, he/she will acquire job contentment; it also helps in individual self-development process and positively affects the organizational as a whole.
Employee Motivation improves the level of efficiency within the employees, a employees work performance depends upon its ability and willingness in improving its performance which is initiated by motivating the employees.
5 Tips to Boost Employee Motivation
Keeping your employees motivated takes efforts; there are many commitment and attention required. So, Leaders who in actual wants the best output out of their workers will take the path and work upon it.
1. Frequent team meetings
To keep employees informed of developments, goals and targets. So, Continuous communication is important. Thus, Team meetings are the solution as it is impossible to go to each employee and explain the strategy.
By the method of team meetings people will feel engaging with the workplace and not out of the loop.
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Leader’s Tip:
Promote professional growth and development through training opportunities and defined career paths.
2. Give consistent one on one feedback
Employees often doubt their abilities; as a result they can easily be self demotivated. When employees are demotivated they are more willing to leave. So it is necessary to give consistent feedbacks to let them know they are doing well, appreciation will lead them to be more dedicated to their work.
Just by giving a simple statement of appreciation formally can boost up the employees confidence and level up the performance and communication engagements with the employee.
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. Further, It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity”
3. Get familiar
Get to know your employees, use motivation surveys or small gatherings and staff social events will make them know each other also; will also form a bond between leaders and employees across all levels of the company.
Every leader’s objective is creating a relation of trust and mutual understanding with their team members and wants their employees to be able to reach you with their concerns and problems in case of need. So, If the employee have a sense of familiarity he/she will not hesitate to reach out to the leader.
4. Flexible work schedules
Employees often struggle to keep a balance between their time for personal and work life and therefore become frustrated and stressed, by keeping up a flexible working schedule for your employees will help them achieve a better work life balance and assists in reducing stress that will eventually help in increasing work efficiency; this step means a lot to your employees.
Leader’s Tip:
We foster a positive work environment by providing regular feedback, evaluating performance and promoting work-life balance.
5. Encouragement
Encourage your employees for participation; by involving your staff in making decisions as well as formulating strategies will give them a sense of authority over their own destiny and a opinion in how the team can acquire its goals and targets – important for keeping people motivated.
Motivation boosts the productivity of the organization resulting in revenue generations which helps in better growth and constant stability in the business market as well as initiates in better functioning and achieving more in the organization.
“Be an Encourager: When you encourage others, you boost their self-esteem, enhance their self-confidence, make them work harder, lift their spirits and make them successful in their endeavors. Encouragement goes straight to the heart and is always available. Be an encourager. Always.”
Roy T. Bennett, the Light in the Heart
Improving an employee’s efficiency and productions should be one of the major priorities for a business. Human work force of an organization is the best and the most effective and efficient asset of a business.
What are the forms of Motivation in management?
Forms of management-based motivation include extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation, identified motivation, power motivation, fear motivation, and ability motivation.
Why is motivation challenging for businesses, especially in the context of a changing workforce?
Motivation appears to be a general function in the context of management, but in practical life it is more challenging. The causes for motivation to be challenging for a business are: one of the principal reasons is changing workforce. Here are 5 tips to keep employees motivated.
Key Takeaways
- Employee motivation is critical to productivity and success.
- Communication, awareness and opportunities for growth are important motivating factors.
- A positive work culture and work-life balance contribute to sustained employee engagement.