Browsing: Digital

Industry 4.0 introduces a new era known as Industrial Revolution 4.0. It combines advanced production techniques, operational strategies, and smart digital technologies to create a digital venture.The characteristics of this venture include autonomy, interconnectedness, and the capacity to analyze, communicate, and utilize data for intelligent actions in the physical realm. It involves integrating smart, connected technology into organizations, assets, and individuals, and is marked by the emergence of novel capabilities.

Digital twins are virtual representations of physical systems, processes, or products. They provide organizations with the ability to simulate, analyze, and optimize their operations. While digital twins offer several advantages, such as increased productivity, improved operational efficiency, and cost reduction, they also present certain challenges that organizations need to address in order to fully capitalize on their potential.

Big data refers to datasets that are huge & complex which include structured, Unstructured & semi-structured data. Data  Science & Big Data Analytics space is placed to reach over $273 Billion & companies like Amazon, Microsoft & Google are so soundly invested in not only gathering data but enabling data for the enterprise.

The term “digital transformation” can be defined as adopting the digital technology for the transformation of services for businesses, by either replacing the non-digital or manual processes with digital processes or replacing the old technology with the latest one. Here is the list of 10 steps for successful digital transformation strategy are: